How to Run Windows 11 on Android?

Running Windows 11 on an Android device can be achieved through virtualization, which allows you to emulate a Windows environment on your phone or tablet. Here’s how you can set up and run Windows 11 on your Android device using the app ExaGear and a VNC viewer.


  • An Android device with a good amount of RAM and storage
  • A stable internet connection
  • Windows 11 ISO file
  • ExaGear app (alternative: Limbo PC Emulator)
  • VNC Viewer app

Method 1: Using ExaGear (Root Required)

  1. Prepare Your Android Device
    • Ensure your Android device is rooted. If not, follow the rooting process specific to your device model.
  2. Download ExaGear and VNC Viewer
    • Download and install the ExaGear app on your Android device. Note: ExaGear may not be available on the Play Store and might need to be downloaded from an alternative source.
    • Install a VNC Viewer app (such as RealVNC Viewer) from the Play Store.
  3. Download Windows 11 ISO
    • Ensure you have a copy of the Windows 11 ISO file. You can download it from the official Microsoft website.
  4. Setup ExaGear
    • Open ExaGear and follow the initial setup instructions.
    • Copy the Windows 11 ISO to your device’s storage.
  5. Configure and Start the Virtual Machine
    • In ExaGear, configure a new virtual machine. Specify the details like memory allocation (at least 4GB recommended) and disk space.
    • Select the Windows 11 ISO as the boot image.
    • Start the virtual machine. This process will take some time as Windows 11 loads.
  6. Access Windows 11 Using VNC Viewer
    • Once the virtual machine is running, use the VNC Viewer app to connect to the local VNC server created by ExaGear.
    • Enter the VNC server address (usually localhost:5900) and connect.
    • You should now see the Windows 11 setup screen in the VNC Viewer.
  7. Complete Windows 11 Installation
    • Follow the on-screen instructions in the VNC Viewer to complete the Windows 11 installation.
    • Once installed, you can use Windows 11 on your Android device via the VNC Viewer.

Method 2: Using Limbo PC Emulator (No Root Required)

  1. Install Limbo PC Emulator and VNC Viewer
    • Download and install the Limbo PC Emulator from the Play Store or an alternative source.
    • Install a VNC Viewer app from the Play Store.
  2. Prepare Windows 11 ISO
    • Ensure you have the Windows 11 ISO file downloaded and saved on your device.
  3. Configure Limbo PC Emulator
    • Open Limbo PC Emulator and create a new virtual machine.
    • Configure the machine settings:
      • CPU: x86 architecture, 2 cores (minimum)
      • RAM: At least 4GB
      • Storage: Create a new image file (virtual hard disk) with at least 20GB of space.
    • Under the “CDROM” section, select the Windows 11 ISO file.
    • Enable VNC and set a password for security.
  4. Start the Virtual Machine
    • Start the virtual machine in Limbo. This may take some time as the emulator loads the ISO.
    • Open the VNC Viewer app and connect to localhost:5900 using the password you set.
  5. Install Windows 11
    • Follow the Windows 11 installation prompts in the VNC Viewer.
    • Complete the installation process.
  6. Using Windows 11
    • Once installed, you can use Windows 11 through the VNC Viewer interface.

Tips and Tricks:

  • Resource Management: Running Windows 11 on an Android device is resource-intensive. Close other apps to free up RAM and processing power.
  • Performance Tuning: Adjust the settings in ExaGear or Limbo to optimize performance, such as reducing resolution or disabling unnecessary features.
  • Battery Usage: Emulation can drain your battery quickly, so keep your device charged.
  • Storage Space: Ensure you have sufficient storage space on your device for the Windows 11 ISO and the virtual machine.

By following these steps, you can set up and run Windows 11 on your Android device, providing you with a portable Windows environment for testing and use.

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